Interested in starting a Family Restoration Center?

There is an urgent need for our local churches and community members to rally together and create safe spaces for God to heal and restore families. Wherever families find themselves in their journey, whether in the foster care or adoption process, single parents, single pregnant mothers, or families who have experienced trauma and brokenness; Family Restoration Centers create space for communities to wrap their arms around the family unit.


A Family Restoration Center was opened in Kona, Hawaii as a response to the growing need of families in distress. Local missionaries were given permission to use a classroom right in the heart of the community and began receiving donations of new or lightly used children’s items such as cribs, beds, car seats, clothes, and shoes.

This small group developed partnerships with local churches by meeting the physical needs of the families. Their small “yes” not only lifted the financial burden from families, but provided a way for connection and relationship. By finding solutions to practical needs, The Lord was able to minister to families emotionally and spiritually.

As time went on, the Family Restoration Center grew and began offering other services such as financial budgeting coaching, assistance signing up for other resources families may qualify for, preparing homes for reunification, cleaning, and assisting single moms with their daily tasks.

The Family Restoration Center model is 100% replicable to your community! Churches or nonprofits may have a spare room and you could start providing for families in crisis. 

Are you ready to say yes?

Sign up below to start your own Family Restoration Center!

 God can use your small “yes” to create a network of resources and healing for families that may otherwise have no one else in their corner!

If you’re interested in seeing the Family Restoration Center Model in your community, here is where to start:

  • Ask Him what He wants to do and how He wants to do it!

  • Ask yourself “What is the greatest need for families in my community?” Start meeting with people already serving the most vulnerable families and ask questions.

  • While you’re welcome to start working out of your garage or spare bedroom, there’s a few benefits in legitimizing your project. Here’s a few reasons why a structure is necessary and how to approach the idea:

    1. You need to be a registered 501c3 or have a fiscal sponsor to receive tax-deductible donations and to apply for grants.

    2. Being registered as a 501c3 or LLC provides legal protection.

    3. You could partner with a church or a nonprofit instead of starting your own 501c3.

  • Ask churches or nonprofits if they have a spare room that can hold your donations and serve as a place to meet with families.

  • Create a budget and seek funding by applying for grants or finding monthly donors.

  • Start advertising and partnering with other organizations that work with families. Accept and sort through donations before you start meeting with families who need items.

  • As your Family Restoration Center grows you may want to write up policies and procedures to create safety and structure.

If you are seriously considering this venture, we want to walk alongside you!

Sign up above.